@(#)FWARC-diagapi.txt 1.1 Last Modified: 05/04/15 14:52:36 1 Introduction This document describes the hypervisor diagnostic interfaces. This document is currently described as a chapter in or an appendix to the Sun4v API [1]. Section 2.1 in [1] describes the calling convention used by this document. All API's described here use the Hypervisor fast trap (0x80). The function number is passed in %o5, arguments 0 .. 4 are passed in %o0 .. %o4 respectively. Results 0 - 4 are returned in %o0 .. %o4 respectively. Result %o0 is always the status of the call. Status values are defined in section 31.5 in [1]. Non-failure status is EOK and is not listed in the API's in the remainder of this document which is consistent with [1]. 2 References [1] UltraSPARC Virtual Machine Specification http://kenai.com/downloads/hypervisor/Hypervisor-api-2.0.pdf 3 Diagnostic Services Guests may be allowed to invoke their own diagnostic code with hypervisor privileges. Such code is often used for bring-up, verification, and error injection purposes. It is expected that these services will only be used internally at Sun. The hypervisor will disallow the services defined here unless explicitly configured otherwise. The diagnostic code may destabilize the entire platform, including other guests, as it runs without restriction. There are no air bags. 3.1 Diagnostic Services Function Number Definitions DIAG_RA2PA 0x200 DIAG_HEXEC 0x201 3.2 Diagnostic Services Data Definitions Real addresses and physical addresses are defined in Section 4, Addressing Models, of [1]. 3.3 Diagnostic Services API Definitions 3.3.1 diag_ra2pa trap# FAST_TRAP function# DIAG_RA2PA arg0 ra ret1 pa Translates a guest's real address into the underlying platform's physical address. This is required to specify the diagnostic code invoked by the diag_hexec call as well as to pass pointers to guest data structures to the diagnostic code. It is not guaranteed that the entire span of an object is physically-contiguous simply because it is contiguous in the real address space. Care must be taken when using code or data larger than the smallest page size the platform supports. Errors ENOACCESS Guest not permitted to invoke diag_ra2pa ENORADDR Invalid r_addr 3.3.2 diag_hexec trap# FAST_TRAP function# DIAG_HEXEC arg0 codepa ret0 ENOACCESS or undefined Invokes diagnostic code located at physical address "codepa" at the next higher trap level. The diagnostic code executes in a hyperprivileged environment. The caller may specify other arguments and the invoked code may return other return values. The code is run in the hyperprivileged, processor-specific environment of the underlying hardware. Arguments that are guest pointers (virtual or real) will have to be converted to physical addresses using diag_ra2pa prior to invoking this service. The diagnostic code is expected to execute a SPARC v9 "done" instruction to return to the caller. How or if the code returns cannot be enforced by the hypervisor. If the guest is not permitted to make this call then ret0 will contain ENOACCESS. Otherwise the invoked diagnostic code is expected to set ret0 appropriately. Errors ENOACCESS Guest not permitted to invoke diag_hexec