SUNW,set-sun4v-version ( minor major group -- act-minor status ) Requests a specific set of the hypervisor API services, as per the API_SET_VERSION call. The input parameters are interpreted identically to the corresponding parameters to the hypervisor call. The status and act-minor return values may be interpreted identically to the return values from the API_SET_VERSION call, except as noted below. OBP is expected to interpret its input parameters, and may return a status value of ENOTSUPPORTED or EINVAL if it cannot support the requested API group and major number parameters, even if the underlying sun4v implementation does support them. If OBP supports the requested API group and major number, it may negotiate a lower minor number than the minor number requested by the caller. SUNW,get-sun4v-version ( group -- minor major status ) Returns the current version of the given API group, as negotiated with the hypervisor via the SUNW,set-sun4v-version CIF call. Return values are interpreted as for the API_GET_VERSION hypervisor call.