#pragma ident "@(#)md_prop_spec.txt 1.8 06/09/29 SMI" 1. Technical Description: 1.1 Overview The current Machine Description definition does not provide a way for a guest to determine the maximum number of virtual CPUs it should support, or the amount of time a CPU mondo may take. This leads to guest software such as Solaris using hard coded constants that are applied to all sun4v platforms. However, the appropriate value for these parameters are platform specific. This leads to suboptimal values being used on some platforms. By introducing properties in the MD which provide more appropriate platform specific values for these parameters, the guest has the opportunity to make more sensible decisions based on actual platform constraints. 1.1.1 max-cpus platform node property Additional property added to platform node as described below. Name Tag Req'd? Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- max-cpus PROP_VAL No A 64-bit unsigned integer that represents the theoretical maximum number of virtual CPUs a guest can have for a particular platform. If defined, the guest software can assume that it will not see more virtual CPUs than specified by this property. Note: The presence of this property does not place any requirement on the guest to support the number of virtual CPUs specified. The guest is free to further constrain the number of virtual CPUs that it will support. 1.1.2 inter-cpu-latency platform node property Additional property added to the platform node as described below. Name Tag Req'd? Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- inter-cpu-latency PROP_VAL No A 64-bit unsigned integer containing the maximum number of nanoseconds of delay the system might encounter when two processors attempt to rendezvous (inter-processor communication using interrupts, shared memory, etc). Programming note: this value is intended to bound the amount of time the privileged software should take into consideration when calculating timeouts to be used to detect non-responsive processors. This value does not account for additional time required due to the implementation of the privileged code, such as executing for prolonged periods with interrupts disabled (pstate.ie==0). The amount of time imposed by the system added to the amount of time imposed by the guest together should be used as the basis for calculating timeout values. 1.2 Imported Interfaces: Interface Classification Comments ==================================================================== sun4v Machine Sun Private MD nodes definitions as Description nodes defined by FWARC 2005/115 1.3 Exported Interfaces: Interface Classification Comments ==================================================================== "max-cpus" Sun Private A platform MD node property to describe the maximum number of virtual cpus in a guest. "inter-cpu-latency" Sun Private A platform MD node property to describe inter cpu maximum latency.