1. Introduction 1.1. Project/Component Working Name: HV APIs for cooperative guest migration 1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier: David Finberg 1.3. Date of This Document: 08/17/2009 1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s): 1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project: HS PAC 1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project: FWARC 1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project: Mike Sanfratello 1.4.4. The name of your business unit: Systems Group (SG) (Sparc Platform Software) 1.5. Email Aliases: 1.5.1. Responsible Manager: Jason.Hayes@Sun.Com 1.5.2. Responsible Engineer: david.finberg@Sun.COM 2. Project Summary 2.1. Project Description: This project introduces Hypervisor APIs for support for cooperative guest migrations. These APIs will be used by sun4v guest domains. 2.2. Risks and Assumptions: None 3. Business Summary 3.1. Problem Area: For current domain migrations, the Hypervisor must abide by the UltraSPARC Architecture specifications. This document makes no allowance for tick/stick to move backwards. In current sun4v implementations, tick/stick is shared across a core. This means that a core with a running guest may not be able to share the core with a migrated domain, since the migrated domain may need a different value of tick/stick. To accomodate this, the domain manager is forced to allocate whole cores to migrated domains, even if they use fewer cpus. By providing a set of cooperative migration interfaces, The guest can account for the warping of tick/stick around a suspend operation. This allows the domain manager to allow such migrated domains to share cores. 3.2. Market/Requester: See FWARC 2005/633. 3.3. Business Justification: See FWARC 2005/633. 3.6. How will you know when you are done?: When the code changes required for the proposed changes are integrated into respective workspaces. 4. Technical Description: The guest domain will receive a domain service message telling it that it should prepare for migration. At that point, the domain will ensure that it will be able to handle the suspend/resume process. When the domain is ready, it will call into the Hypervisor to suspend itself. At some later time, the guest will be resumed by the domain manager. The domain will resume processing after the trap, but must account for tick and stick changes, including possibly moving backwards. Domains may wish to use the new APIs to set NPT on both tick and stick to accommodate running processes. Resources that the guest had available before the suspend will still be available after the resume. 4.1 Following sections describes the sun4v API used for a domain to suspend itself 4.1.1 sun4v API calls The API calls used are major version 1, minor version 2 of the CORE API group Core API Group Group# Description 0x1 API Group Core The Core API group version 1.2 adds the following hcalls Function# Name Description 0x181 GUEST_SUSPEND Suspend the guest 0x182 CPU_TICK_NPT Set/Unset the NPT bit on tick on this cpu 0x183 CPU_STICK_NPT Set/Unset the NPT bit on stick on this cpu GUEST_SUSPEND Entry : trap# FAST_TRAP function# GUEST_SUSPEND (0x181) Exit : ret0 status (success or error code) This call suspends the running guest domain, the function will return upon the resume. A suspended domain can only be resumed by the domain manager. All resources that were available to the domain prior to suspension will still be available after resumption, but additional resources may be available. After resumption, a suspended domain's tick/stick may have changed by either a positive or negative offset. On success, the call returns a status of EOK. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors: ENOTSUPPORTED The requested operation can not be performed on this domain EWOULDBLOCK The requested operation can not be performed at this time CPU_TICK_NPT Entry : trap# FAST_TRAP function# CPU_TICK_NPT (0x182) arg0 enable/disable Exit : ret0 status (success or error code) This call enables (arg0 == 1) or disables (arg0 == 0) the tick.npt bit on the calling cpu. On success, the call returns a status of EOK. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors: EINVAL Invalid argument CPU_STICK_NPT Entry : trap# FAST_TRAP function# CPU_STICK_NPT (0x183) arg0 enable/disable Exit : ret0 status (success or error code) This call enables (arg0 == 1) or disables (arg0 == 0) the stick.npt bit on the calling cpu. On success, the call returns a status of EOK. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors: EINVAL Invalid argument Implementors note: On some sun4v platforms, tick and stick may be aliases, so that enabling npt on one may affect the other. 4.2 Interface Table 4.2.1 Imported Interfaces : Interface Classification Comments ====================================================================== HV APIs Committed FWARC/2005/116 4.2.2 Exported Interfaces: Interface Classification Comments ======================================================================= GUEST_SUSPEND Committed Function 0x181, group 0x1, version 1.2 as defined in section CPU_TICK_NPT Committed Function 0x182, group 0x1, version 1.2 as defined in section CPU_STICK_NPT Committed Function 0x183, group 0x1, version 1.2 as defined in section 5. Reference Documents: None 6. Resources and Schedule: 6.1. Projected Availability: 6.2. Cost of Effort: 6.3. Cost of Capital Resources: 6.4. Product Approval Committee requested information: 6.4.1. Consolidation Name: System Firmware 6.4.2. Contributing OpCo/BU/Division Name: Systems Group 6.4.3. Type of PAC Review and Approval expected: N/A 6.4.4. Project Boundary Conditions: N/A 6.4.5. Is this a necessary project for OEM agreements: No. 6.4.6. Notes/Dependencies: N/A 6.4.7. Target RTI Date/Release: N/A - Not a separate deliverable. 6.4.8. Target Code Design Review Date: N/A 6.4.9. Update approval addition: N/A 6.5. ARC review type: Fast-Track 7. Prototype Availability: 7.1. Prototype Availability: N/A 7.2. Prototype Cost: Done using existing resources.