1. Introduction 1.1. Project/Component Working Name: Domain Suspend Domain Service 1.0 1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier: Haik Aftandilian 1.3. Date of This Document: 10/11/2009 1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s): 1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project: HS PAC 1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project: FWARC 1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project: Jerriann.Meyer@sun.com 1.4.4. The name of your business unit: Solaris Core OS 1.5. Email Aliases: 1.5.1. Responsible Manager: jay.jayachandran@sun.com 1.5.2. Responsible Engineer: haik.aftandilian@sun.com 1.5.3. Marketing Manager: duncan.hardie@sun.com 1.5.4. Interest List: ldoms-internal@sun.com 2. Project Summary 2.1. Project Description: This project implements a domain service to facilitate LDoms Cooperative Guest domain migration. 3. Business Summary 3.1. Problem Area: For Cooperative Guest Migration, the guest OS will suspend itself rather than be suspended by the hypervisor. The suspend operation will be initiated by the guest domain at the request of the domain manager via this new "suspend-domain" domain service. Cooperative Guest Migration removes some of the operational restrictions imposed on Warm Migration. 4. Technical Description 4.1 Overview - Domain Suspend Domain Service 1.0 The Domain Suspend domain service allows Solaris to initiate a domain suspend operation at the request of the domain manager. This is required for Cooperative Guest migration wherein the guest initiates the suspend operation by calling into the hypervisor. Existing Warm Migration makes use of CPU DR to reduce a domain to 1-strand before the hypervisor pauses the domain. In order to eliminate CPU DR from migration and to eliminate other restrictions on Warm Migration, Solaris on the guest will call into the hypervisor to initiate suspension of the domain. Hypervisor calls to support the guest initiated suspend were introduced with FWARC 2009/452. 4.1.1 Service IDs A new domain service with the service ID "domain-suspend" will exist on guest domains. The service will listen for domain suspend requests. Service ID Description ---------- ----------- "domain-suspend" Sequence a suspend operation on the domain 4.1.2 Domain Suspend Request Offset Size Field name Description ------ ---- ---------- ----------- 0 8 req_num Request number 8 8 type Message type Only one message type is supported and therefore there is only one valid value for the type field. However, a type field is used to allow for more request types to be added in the future without changing the request format. 4.1.3 Domain Suspend Request Messages Types Type Value Definition ---- ----- ---------- DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND 0x0 Request to suspend 4.1.4 Domain Suspend Response Offset Size Field name Description ------ ---- ---------- ----------- 0 8 req_num Request number 8 4 result Result of operation 12 4 rec_result Result of recovery operation 16 variable reason NULL-terminated ASCII string describing reason for error The NULL-terminated reason string is limited to 512 characters in length, including the NULL-terminator. When the reason field begins with its first byte being the NULL terminator, it is said to be set to the empty string. 4.1.5 Domain Suspend Response Result Values The following constants are defined for the suspend service response result and rec_result values. Result Value Definition ------ ----- ---------- DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS 0x0 Pre-suspend success DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_FAILURE 0x1 Pre-suspend failure DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INVALID_MSG 0x2 The request is invalid DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INPROGRESS 0x3 Existing suspend is in progress DOMAIN_SUSPEND_FAILURE 0x4 Suspend failure DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_SUCCESS 0x5 Post-suspend success DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_FAILURE 0x6 Post-suspend failure Recovery Result Value Definition --------------- ---------- DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS 0x0 Recovery success DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_FAILURE 0x1 Recovery failure For responses with a result value of DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_FAILURE, DOMAIN_SUSPEND_FAILURE, or DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_FAILURE, the reason field may be populated with a NULL-terminated string describing the reason for the failure. This is optional and when a NULL-terminated reason string is not provided, the reason field must must be set to the empty string. For all other response messages (DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS, DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INVALID_MSG, DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INPROGRESS, and DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_SUCCESS,) the reason field is not used and should be set to the empty string. For responses with a result value of DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_FAILURE or DOMAIN_SUSPEND_FAILURE the rec_result must be set to either DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS or DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_FAILURE. For all other response messages (DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS, DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INVALID_MSG, DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INPROGRESS, and DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_SUCCESS, and DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_FAILURE) the rec_result field is not used and its value should be DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS. 4.1.6 Domain Suspend Request Handling Invalid Request Upon receiving a suspend domain request, the guest domain will confirm that the request is a DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND request type. If the request has a type field other than DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND, the guest will send a response message with result value DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INVALID_MSG and a req_num equal to request req_num and then take no further action in response to the message. Suspend in Progress If the request is a valid DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND request, but the guest is already processing a suspend request, the guest will send a response message with result value DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INPROGRESS and req_num value equal to the req_num received in the newer request. The guest will take no further action in response to the message. Pre-suspend The guest will then perform any pre-suspend processing which results in either success or failure. In the event of success, the guest will send a response message with result value DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS and a req_num value equal to the request req_num. In the event of failure, the guest will undo any partial pre-suspend processing that successfully completed and then send a response message with result value DOMAIN_PRE_SUSPEND_FAILURE, a req_num value equal to the request req_num, and optionally a NULL-terminated reason string describing the reason for the failure. If the partial pre-suspend processing is successfully undone, the rec_result field will be set to DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the rec_result field will be set to DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_FAILURE. The guest will then take no further action in response to the request. The intent here is for the user to be presented with a warning message derived from the reason field indicating that the pre-suspend processing failed and (if applicable) that a particular recovery operation failed. If a recovery operation failed, the user must then inspect the guest domain and take any action required to cleanup after failed recovery. Suspend Next, after the guest sends the DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS response, it will attempt to suspend itself using the hypervisor interface described in FWARC 2009/452 which results in either success or failure. In the event of success, the guest will be suspended and will do no further processing until it is resumed. Implementation note: although not described here, an out-of- band mechanism exists allowing the domain manager to query the state of the domain and to determine when the guest has successfully suspended itself. It is expected that the domain manager will monitor the guest state until the guest state indicates that the guest is suspended OR until a DOMAIN_SUSPEND_FAILURE response is received. In the event that the guest fails to suspend, the guest will undo the pre-suspend processing and then send a response message with result value DOMAIN_SUSPEND_FAILURE, a req_num value equal to the request req_num, and optionally a NULL-terminated reason string describing the reason for the failure. If the pre-suspend processing is successfully undone, the rec_result field will be set to DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the rec_result field will be set to DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_FAILURE. The guest will then take no further action in response to the request. The intent here is for the user to be presented with a warning message derived from the reason field indicating that the suspend operation failed and (if applicable) that a particular recovery operation failed. If a recovery operation failed, the user would then inspect the guest domain and take any action required to cleanup after failed recovery. Resume and Post-suspend After the guest has successfully suspended itself by calling into the hypervisor, the domain manager performs an out-of-band operation to resume the domain. After the guest has been resumed, the guest will perform any post- suspend processing which results in either success or failure. In the event of success, the guest will send a response message with result value DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_SUCCESS and a req_num value equal to the request req_num. The guest will then take no further action in response to the request and the suspend operation will have completed successfully, leaving the domain in a normal state. In the event of failure, the guest will send a response message with result value DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_FAILURE, a req_num value equal to the request req_num, and optionally a NULL-terminated reason string describing the reason for the failure. The guest will then take no further action in response to the request. At this point, the guest is operational, subject to how the failing post-suspend processing leaves the guest. The intent here is for the user to be presented with a warning message, derived from the reason string, indicating that the domain was resumed, but that a particular post-suspend operation failed. The user would then inspect the guest domain and take any action required to cleanup after failed post-suspend processing. 4.1.7 Message Sequences Sections through are the possible message sequences. Sequence 1 (failure): -> Request: (req_num:n, type: Invalid) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INVALID_MSG, rec_result: DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS, reason:0) Sequence 2 (failure): -> Request: (req_num:n, type:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INPROGRESS rec_result: DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS, reason: 0) Sequence 3 (failure): -> Request: (req_num:n, type:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_PRE_SUSPEND_FAILURE, rec_result: DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS, reason: [optional string]) Sequence 4 (failure): -> Request: (req_num:n, type:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_PRE_SUSPEND_FAILURE, rec_result: DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_FAILURE, reason: [optional string]) Sequence 5 (failure): -> Request: (req_num:n, type:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS, reason: 0) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_FAILURE, rec_result: DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS, reason: [optional string]) Sequence 6 (failure): -> Request: (req_num:n, type:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS, reason: 0) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_FAILURE, rec_result: DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_FAILURE, reason: [optional string]) Sequence 7 (suspend success, post-suspend failure): -> Request: (req_num:n, type:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS, reason: 0) -- [suspend and resume occurs] <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_FAILURE, rec_result: DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS, reason: [optional string]) Sequence 8 (success): -> Request: (req_num:n, type:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND) <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS, reason: 0) -- [suspend and resume occurs] <- Response: (req_num:n, result:DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_SUCCESS, rec_result: DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS, reason: 0) 4.2 Imported Interfaces: Interface Classification Comments --------- ------------- -------- Domain Services Sun Private Defined by FWARC/2006/055 Specification 4.3 Exported Interfaces: Interface Classification Comments --------- -------------- -------- Service Sun Private Defined in 4.1.1 "domain-suspend" Domain Suspend Sun Private Defined in 4.1.2 Request Message Types Sun Private Defined in 4.1.3 DOMAIN_SUSPEND_SUSPEND Domain Suspend Sun Private Defined in 4.1.4 Response Response Codes Sun Private Defined in 4.1.5 DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_SUCCESS DOMAIN_SUSPEND_PRE_FAILURE DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INVALID_MSG DOMAIN_SUSPEND_INPROGRESS DOMAIN_SUSPEND_FAILURE DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_SUCCESS DOMAIN_SUSPEND_POST_FAILURE Recovery Response Sun Private Defined in 4.1.5 Codes DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_SUCCESS DOMAIN_SUSPEND_REC_FAILURE 5. Reference Documents: FWARC 2009/452 - HV APIs for cooperative guest migration FWARC 2006/055 - Domain Services Specification FWARC 2006/473 - sun4v guest state API update CR 6741065 Solaris should support cooperative migration CR 6873667 a domain running Sun Cluster should notify the cluster framework when it is migrating 6. Resources and Schedule: 6.1. Projected Availability: S10U9 6.2. Cost of Effort: 1 engineer week 6.3. Cost of Capital Resources: N/A